I wouldn’t have walked away!!

I saw a quote that said. “Thank you for letting me go, because I wouldn’t have walked away”

There is so much truth to that, it’s almost unbelievable!    I think about the 10 years I spent with a horrible horrible evil workplace! Oh sure it started out good, but it went down hill fast!  They are a very small company and it wasn’t run right, not that I’m an expert on these things! The hate and evil in that place was real, so bad! The harder I tried to prove my worth, the worse it got!

I have a tendency to try to fix things and try to make people see that I am valuable even when they don’t deserve me! The hatred and disrespect in that place made me sick, literally sick! I have grown to despise the word “respect” as so many of them demanded it, but didn’t deserve it or earn it! I will forever stick with and say that “respect is earned, not given”.  I was taught to always respect my elders, and I do, because that is totally different than the respect in this situation!

I would literally cry and throw up driving to work each morning, but I was too scared to leave as starting over at a new job terrified me beyond belief! I was injured at this job, bad, and I haven’t been right since, horrible painful illness that I would not wish on anyone ever! I could feel everything getting worse! I could feel that this place was slowly killing me, yet I couldn’t walk away! I was too afraid!

When they hired a new HR person as the company grew they chose the wrong person! This person did so many wrong and more than likely illegal things, and I’m not the only one who noticed, but I won’t go into all that! She latched on to hating me from day one! I tried to make things better, but it just couldn’t happen! She would ask 1 of the bosses regularly if she could fire me yet! She’d been working on that since the first day I met her when she threatened to fire me because I couldn’t work a full day!

I suffered so much due to the illness and pain and sickness! One day she was out in the plant and I threw a cardboard piece into the box it goes in and she took it as I was throwing it her and she got her way and I was gone! I was so mad because I was let go when there was no reason for it, just that she didn’t like me! I promise and swear I am not embellishing any of her feelings towards me at all! I was scared of how I felt and having to start over!

It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was one the best things that happened, as I didn’t feel that I could walk away by myself! I will always dislike her, but only for the person she is and how she treats people and thinks that she can get away with it all! I remember I defended someone when she said things to them that weren’t right! She simply told me she could say and do whatever she wanted as she was in charge here and it was her way or the highway!

I will always be thankful for them kicking me to the curb as I later found a job where I was truly loved and appreciated! They valued me and my contribution to their company and worked with me to make the company even better! I put in a huge effort to learn more about the job and company and loved it there!

Sadly my health challenges got worse and I was forced to quit working! It still bothers me that I can’t work there, even though I know so much has change there since they sold the company and it probably wasn’t going to be as nice as I remember if I were able to go back!

I am thankful though that even though I can’t work I don’t have to deal with people out in the world! People are exhausting, confusing, horrible, mean and more…

The whole point to this is that you can be upset that someone or some company let you go, but just know that it was probably one of the best things that could happen to you! You may not have been able to walk away when you really needed to!

Stay classy, sassy & a bit smartassy friends!

P.S. If you like barbecue sauce & ranch dressing m try mixing them together, it tastes amazing!!!

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